First International Symposium on „Politics and Society in the Islamic world”


Conference programme

Thursday, 22 October 2015 (Faculty Council room 1.10)

9.30-10.00 Conference opening
Professor Zofia Wysokińska, Vice-Rector of Łódź University for International Cooperation
Professor Tomasz Domański, Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies, UŁ
Professor Marek Dziekan, Chair of the Department of Middle East and North Africa, UŁ

10.00-11.40 Plenary session
Roswitha Badry (University of Freiburg) – How to succeed in shaking off a bad reputation? Efforts of Nusayris/Alawis in the 20th century to improve their image
Marta Woźniak-Bobińska (University of Łódź) – Assyrians and Arameans in Sweden and their dreams for peaceful homeland
Gino Schallenbergh (Catholic University Leuven) – The Azhar in times of revolution: from political realignment to newfound authority
Naser Ghobadzadeh (Australian Catholic University) – Electoral theocracy: authoritarianization or democratization in Iran?

11.40-11.50 Coffee break

11.50-13.10 Panel session: Politics
Robert Czulda (University of Łódź) – Is Iran really changing? An assessment of Hassan Rouhani’s presidency
Przemysław Turek (Jagiellonian University) – The New Wafd Party and its role in Egypt after the 2011 revolution
Amna Mahmood (International Islamic University, Islamabad) – The Arab Spring: opportunities and challenges in Egypt

13.10-14.50 Lunch break

14.50-15.50 Panel session: Society
Joachim Kolb (Trinity College Dublin) – Organic intellectuals in the Gulf – ʿAbd al-Ḫāliq Abdallāh’s autobiography and the emergence of a Gulf intelligentsia
Sandra Iman Pertek (Islamic Relief Worldwide) – Developing an Islamically grounded framework for combating domestic violence

15.50-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-17.40 Panel session: Minorities
Brooke Thompson (University of Queensland) – The feasibility of legal pluralism in Australia’s secular legal framework: Would Sharia inheritance laws be a viable exception?
Mais Qandeel (University of Fribourg) – Muslims in the Jewish State
Olimpia Dragouni (University of Warsaw) – Islam in the political landscape of Bosnia and Hercegovina (1995-2015)
Hamit Aktürk (Namık Kemal University) – The emergence and development of non-Sunni Sufism in Anatolia

17.40-17.50 Coffee break

17.50-19.10 Panel session: Society
Beata Jagiełło – Dialog międzykulturowy w programach i działalności regionalnych organizacji muzułmańskich (na przykładzie OIC) (Intercultural dialogue in programmes and activities of regional Muslim organizations on the example of OIC)
Magdalena Lewicka (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) – „Chcemy pokazać świat, w którym kobiety mogą zrobić wszystko” – Tawakkul Karman (‘We want to show the world that women can do everything’ – Tawakkul Karman)
Aleksandra M. Różalska (University of Lodz) – Obraz islamu w amerykańskich serialach telewizyjnych po 11 września 2001 roku (The image of Islam in American television series after 9/11)

19.40 Conference reception

Thursday, 22 October 2015 (Faculty Council small room 1.10)

11.50-13.30 Panel session: Politics
Anas Enayah (Aljouf University) –
أثر النص الشرعي في مواقف الجماعات الإسلامية من الربيع العربي
مقارنة بين مدرسة تأييد الثورات ومدرسة الصبر على ظلم الحكام
(The impact of the revelation texts on the attitude of Islamic parties toward the Arab Spring)
Moussa Fatahine (University of Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana) –
الخطاب السياسي في العالم الإسلامي وواقعه بين الأصول و تأثيرات العولمة
(Political discourse in the Muslim world and its reality. Between the roots of globalization and its influences)
Emad Abdul Latif (Qatar University) –
تحليل الخطاب السياسي في المجتمعات العربية: الواقع والتحديات (باللغة العربية)
(Political discourse analysis in Arab societies: reality and challenges)
Marcin Styszyński (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) –
طريقة الدعاية في الدولة الاسلامية
(Modes of communication in the Islamic State)

13.30-15.00 Lunch break

15.00-16.00 Panel session: Society
Magdalena Kubarek (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) –
جامعة نيكولاوس كوبيرنيكوس في مدينة تورون
(The portrayal of Western society in the novels of Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas)
Yehia Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed (United Arab Emirates University) –
بنات الجواري في مجتمع القاهرة في القرن السابع عشر الميلادي
(The daughters of slave women in 17th-century Cairo)
16.00-16.10 Coffee break

16.10-17.30 Panel session: Society
Magdalena Rodziewicz (University of Warsaw) – Irańskie dyskusje nad kwestią obowiązkowej zasłony hedżab-e edżbari (Iranian debates on the issue of compulsory head covering hejab-e ejbari)
Izabela Kończak (University of Łódź) – Poligynia wśród muzułmanów Federacji Rosyjskiej (Polygyny among Muslims of the Russian Federation)
Marzena Godzińska (University of Warsaw) – Alkohol w obrzędowości i życiu codziennym w Turcji – alewici, sunnici i turecki rząd (Alcohol in the ritual and everyday life in Turkey – Alevis, Sunnis and the Turkish government)
Friday, 23 October 2015 (Faculty Council room 1.10)
9.30-11.10 Panel session: Politics
Özgür Olgun Erden (Middle East Technical University) – How to analyse Islamist politics: can we make a political study regardless of sociology of Islam?
Varuzhan Geghamyan (Saint Petersburg State University) – ‘The Second One after the First’: scenarios of power in Turkey during the presidency of Ismet Inonu
Edgar Elbakyan (Yerevan State University) – Understanding the Turkish Middle East policy: the case of Turkey-Egypt relations in the context of the Arab Spring
Atiya Hamed Ali Masoud (University of Sirte) – The Arab Spring: the study of Libya

11.10-11.20 Coffee break

11.20-13.20 Panel session: Politics
Marek M. Dziekan (University of Łódź) – Koncepcja rewolucji (saura) w muzułmańskiej myśli politycznej a praktyka historyczna (The concept of revolution [saura] in the Muslim political thought and the historical practise)
Bartosz Wróblewski (Rzeszów University) – Legalizm monarchiczny w świecie arabskim jako istotny czynnik stabilności państw (Monarchic legalism in the Arab world as the key factor of state stability)
Michał Moch (Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz) – Panarabizm, wielokulturowość, dziedzictwo żydowskie. Kilka uwag o polityce historycznej państw arabskich (Pan-Arabism, multiculturalism, Jewish heritage. A few remarks on the historical politics of Arab states)
Marta Widy-Behiesse (University of Warsaw) – Fikh mniejszości jako jedna z koncepcji kształtowania współczesnego islamu europejskiego (Fikh of minority as one of the concepts of creating contemporary European Islam)
Andrzej Stopczyński (University of Łódź) – Zarys myśli politycznej Musy Dżarullaha Bigijewa (Outline of the political thought of Musa Jarullah Bigiyev)

13.20-14.40 Lunch break

14.40-16.40 Panel session: Politics
Radosław Bania (University of Łódź) – Porozumienie w sprawie irańskiego programu nuklearnego z 14 lipca 2015 roku i jego znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa Bliskiego Wschodu (The deal on the Iran Nuclear Programme of 14 July 2015 and its significance for security in the Middle East)
Sylwia Surdykowska (University of Warsaw) – Stosunek Irańczyków do perskojęzycznej polityki zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych (The attitude of Iraqis to the Persian-language foreign policy of the United States)
Anna Kucharska (Jagiellonian University) – Autorytaryzm przy udziale wpływów z energetycznych zasobów naturalnych na przykładzie państw regionu Morza Kaspijskiego (Autoritarianism using the income from energetic natural resources on the example of states of the Caspian Sea region)
Dominik Wróblewski (University of Łódź) – Oblicza terroryzmu muzułmańskiego w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej. Casus Dżamaa Islamija (Forms of Muslim terrorism in South-East Asia: the Case of Jemaah Islamiyah)
Katarzyna Grabowska (University of Łódź) – Problem terroryzmu oraz przestępczości zorganizowanej w basenie Morza Śródziemnego (The problem of terrorism and organized crime in the Mediterranean)

16.40-16.50 Coffee break

16.50-18.30 Panel session: Society
Agnieszka Kuczkiewicz-Fraś (Jagiellonian University) – Kim są „muzułmańscy dalici”? Uwagi na temat kastowości wśród muzułmanów w Azji Południowej (Who are ‘Muslim Dalits’? Remarks on the caste system among Muslims in South Asia)
Renata Czekalska (Jagiellonian University) – Immam-e-Hind Śri Ram, czyli o wybranych hinduskich tradycjach wśród muzułmanów indyjskich (Immam-e-Hind Shri Ram: on the selected Hindu traditions among Muslims in India)
Kamila Junik-Łuniewska (Jagiellonian University) – Nurty mistyczne a radykalny islam: sytuacja sufich w Pakistanie (Mystic trends and radical Islam: the situation of Sufis in Pakistan)
Marcin Krzyżanowski (Jagiellonian University) – Afganistan na rozdrożu – przemiany społeczno-ekonomiczne po 2014 roku (Afghanistan at the crossroads – socio-economic transformations after 2014)
Friday, 23 October 2015 (Faculty Council small room)
9.30-10.50 Panel session: Politics
Vladimir D. Lebedev (State Archive of the Russian Federation) – Деятельность партии радикальных мусульманских организаций в Османской империи накануне Первой мировой войны: по документам из Особого отдела Департамента полиции (Activities of radical Muslim organizations in the Osman Empire in the eve of the outbreak of WWI – on the basis of the documents of the Special Unit of the Police Department)
Gunel Ahmadova (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences) – Влияние движения «Братья-мусульмане» на формирование исламских политических движений в арабском мире (The impact of the organization ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ on the development of political organizations in the Arab world)
Swietłana Czerwonnaja (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) – Мусульманский (татарский) Крым в условияз российской оккупации (2014–2015) (Muslim [Tatar] Crimea under the Russian occupation [2014–2015])

10.50-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-13.00 Panel session: Society and Culture
Marina Yanova (Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economics) – Некоторые аспекты формирования мусульманской культуры населения Ближнего Востока и народов Северного Кавказа в историографии во второй пол. XIХ-нач. XX вв (Selected aspects of the formation of Muslim culture among inhabitants of the Middle East and nations of North Caucasus as reflected in historiography at the turn of 19th and 20th century)
Nina Bilokopytova (Zaporizhzhya National University) – Особенности идентификации тюркской диаспоры в современном обществе (The identification specificity of the Turkish diaspora in contemporary society)
Mykola Vaskiv (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University) Рецепция культурно-религиозных преобразований в Турции в украинской литературе 1920-30-х гг. (Reception of cultural and religious transformations in Turkey in Ukrainian literature in 1920s)
Ramil Valeev, Rafael Valeev, Roza Valeeva (Kazan Federal University) – Традиционное исламское образование в Волго-Уральском регионе: Этапы, центры и наследие (ХVIII– нач. ХХI вв) (Traditional Muslim education in Volga-Ural region – phases, centres and heritage [between 18th and the beginning of 21st century)
Rinat Nabiev, Ramil Valeev, Ilsur Nafikov (Kazan Federal University) – Российский опыт взаимодействия религиозных и государственных структур в формировании системы мусульманского образования на рубеже XX – XXI вв (Russian experiences of the cooperation between religious and state structures in the formation of the Muslim system of education at the turn of 20th and 21st century)

13.00-14.30 Lunch break

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